At Candybox, we are always striving for awesomeness. From campaigns to designs to finding the right studio playlist, we are passionate about what we do! So, when we were discussing blog topics we decided to share our favourite motivational quotes that help us rock every project. Check out where we get our inspiration from!
Finding a favourite motivational quote was challenging for me – not that I couldn’t find any, it was that I have too many that I love! Considering I have 3 quotes tattooed on my body, picking only 1 was difficult, but I’m going with my first ever tattoo that says “Live for today, for tomorrow is never promised”. This quote has always resonated with me (hence why it is now permanently on my body). It was something my parents always reminded me to be mindful of. To not take anything for granted and to do the things I loved.
Although I don’t read books too often (I wish I did!) one book that motivated me and had a powerful message is “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey. This book is filled with inspiring paradigms and ideas that really change the way you see the world. Stephen writes amazing chapters on leadership and life-change as he takes you on a journey through these “habits” that he believes all people should learn (such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, etc.).
The first time I read this book I couldn’t put it down, and now I’m halfway through reading it again! I would recommend this book to anyone who’s in business or feels they need some more positivity in their life. This book definitely had a great impact on me!

I love quotes, so it was quite easy to select my favourite. “Stay Humble, Hustle Hard” – I loved this so much, I have a vinyl decal on my MacBook.
It’s also a reminder of the wise words of Tim McGraw:
I had an epiphany a few months ago. While I was working and this song came on my Spotify
playlist, I heard those lyrics and I was transported back to high school and then college where I was working towards being where I am now. Everything I was working for throughout school was to get me to this point, and now I have it. Mind. Blown.
In short, I like the remind her keep hustling, but to also stay humble.

In a world of talk, I admire people who lead by example in what they do. It’s not about how you can get people to do what you want, but how you can inspire others to walk alongside you. Don’t talk, just do.

When I’m sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story. – Barney Stinson
I love this quote because it’s a reminder that we have a choice in how we respond to stress – an extremely important insight for keeping yourself motivated and on track. High-stress moments can easily distract and dissuade you from the objective at hand, and it’s key to remember you’re still awesome, and the problem can be handled.

Being a huge Star Wars fan, it is no surprise that my motivational quote comes from the wise Yoda; “Do or do not, there is no try”. In all aspects of life, from improving clients results to training for a new run, it is important to give it your all in order to succeed. If you only try to complete a task, it will not be as successful as if you were to full heartedly complete one.

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Henry David Thoreau
This quote is a great reminder that: while it is common to be searching for shortcuts and fast-forward buttons, it is important to take action and put in the work. I would explain further but I am too busy.
Growing up, my father watched Forrest Gump every week. Soon I became tired of the plot line, but one line has always stuck with me. (I mean, it mentions candy so why wouldn’t it!) When eating chocolates from a box, you never know what each piece will be filled with, but all it takes is one bite for you to decide whether you like it or not. Life is like that, where some days hold negative circumstances and some hold positive ones. We can’t choose what life throws our way, but we can choose how we deal with it!

So there you have it! If you have a motivational quote that helps you rock every day, let us know in the comments!