
CandyByte (October 2019)

CandyByte is a monthly post that gives you a taste of the Candybox #AgencyLife. From success stories to day-to-day shenanigans, satisfy your digital cravings here.

It’s the beginning of the fourth quarter and our team is feeling like the Toronto Raptors (of course, still with Kawhi Leonard on the roster). In other words, we are looking forward to ending the year strong!

And like Kawhi, I made ‘load management’ a priority by taking a much-needed vacation and a change in scenery. The irony is that this new scenery ended up being Los Angeles.

Here is a collection of photos that is completely irrelevant to the rest of this blog:

Here is a recap of the month:

Tricks & Treats

When was the last time you reviewed your brand strategy with the team?

As we are one quarter away from ringing in the New Year, our team hosted an internal lunch & learn event to discuss our brand strategy for 2020.

I presented our brand statement, reviewed our positioning, and shared our 365-day action plan to bring these ideas to fruition. This discussion encouraged our team to execute using a consistent brand compass and lay down the groundwork to build momentum for the new year.

My advice? Take this month as an opportunity to gather your team members and review your brand strategy. No one wants to be in a position where each member (and potential customer) has a different opinion of what your company is all about!

Oh, the tricks and treats didn’t end there…

Darrell, our CEO, put out a creativity challenge for each department to present something innovative that has been added to our process or a project that we have been working on. Needless to say, the Candyboxers came in swinging!

  • The production team shared a video series of a website project that we’ve been documenting
  • The campaign team shared a creative way to use chatbots to increase conversions
  • The content team shared a unique process to seamlessly execute our social media strategy

I know I speak for many of our team members when I say that: I was absolutely inspired by every single presentation. Stay awesome!

The Bob Ross Effect

“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.”

For our team event, we packed away our Macbooks and picked up some real paintbrushes to put our artistic talents to the test!

Our team celebrated last quarter’s achievements with champagne, good music, and better vibes.. oh, and a lot of paint splatter!

Check out these masterpieces:

Alif’s Agency Adventure

Meet Alif.

A super cool marketing intern that will be part of the Candybox journey over the next three months!

I don’t think a single week goes by without my inbox filling up with questions about our internship experience. For your convenience, I asked Alif to share his personal experience during each month’s CandyByte. I figured this would be more credible than me bragging about how it is the best marketing internship experience out there and, more importantly, it will likely fill up his email inbox instead of mine.

Take it away Alif!

Alif’s Post:

Thanks for the intro Mahfuz, I’ll take it over from here!

What’s up, friends?

I’m Alif, the new intern here at Candybox Marketing, and guess what? 

I just survived my first month! 

…Excuse me while I take a second to wipe my profusely sweaty forehead for a second, just kidding. 

I gotta tell you, this internship here at Candybox has been nothing short of absolutely amazing. 

But, before I get into all the Candybox sweetness (see what I did there?), and what it’s like dealing with Mahfuz’s less than funny jokes every day, there’s something you should probably know about me. 

I’m not your “typical” intern.


…I wasn’t a student when I landed this internship.

Now, before you go stomping down the Internship Coordinator’s door at your school, just gimmie a second here to explain, alright? 

So, rewind to a couple of months ago, I actually had a totally “adulting” job. 

You know, those jobs where it’s all like “bi-weekly salary”, “full time 9-5”, “monthly performance reviews”? 

Yeah, that kinda job. 

More specifically, I was working in an HR role, so you can imagine I was surrounded by beige cardigans, thick-rimmed eyeglasses, benefits packages and phrases like “employee engagement” being thrown around everywhere.

The job and the people were cool and all but deep down, I knew that HR wasn’t really for me. 

So, as cliche as it might sound, I went on a self-discovery phase of my life where I became obsessed with the question “what the heck do I even want to do with my life?”.

Which lead me to taking a ton of workshops, dropping a bunch of money on courses and coaching programs, and even starting my own side hustle.

Throughout this journey (or crisis, I can’t tell), I found the world of digital marketing, and absolutely fell in love with it. 

I started practicing my copywriting and digital marketing skills which then caught Mahfuz’s and Darrell’s eyes, and then next thing you know, I’m writing in Candybox’s CandyByte blog. 

Pretty cool, huh? 

Well, that’s all from me for this blog post, make sure you be on the lookout for next month’s CandyByte where I’ll be giving you a taste of what it’s like to work at Candybox, and of course, Mahfuz’s lame jokes.

Peace out!

Here is what you can expect in the next piece of CandyByte:

  • We host our first marketing conference
  • Our team gives back to the community
  • Our intern shares more about his Candybox experience.

Want to see how the month unfolds in real-time? Check us out on Instagram!

Happy November!